Aubervilliers - Cabbage of milan
This very old, early variety produces, on a fairly short stalk, a slightly flattened apple weighing 2 to 4 kg, with strongly blistered, blue-green leaves. They have a tender texture and good flavor.
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in the ground, in bucket
Sow in pots under cover. Cover seeds with a thin layer of soil. Transplant when plants have 2 to 3 leaves, at 10 cm intervals, to allow roots to develop before planting. Transplant when plants have 4 to 5 leaves, every 60 cm in rows 60 cm apart, without burying the stem too deeply. For sowing in the open ground, sow lightly in rows 60 cm apart. Thin out to 60 cm along the row.
March, April, May
August, September, October, November, December
in the ground
sunny, semi-shade
humus, limestone, clayey
fees, wet, rich
Brassica oleracea
From 2000 to 4000 g
200 seeds
From 40 to 50 cm
"Vilmorin-Andrieux "Les Plantes Potagères
This ancient variety from France is cited in Vilmorin-Andrieux's 1885 book "Les Plantes Potagères", and was already mentioned in Mr de la Brettonaire's Correspondance Rurale in 1783. It comes from the "Chou Milan des Vertus" and is also known in the United States as "Big Max".