Blanche - Cow herb
This white variety of cow cockle offers a myriad of charming little flowers, with a characteristic ribbed calyx. This messicolous species adds a touch of lightness to flower bouquets.
Included on France's Red List of Flora, it is close to the endangered species threshold.
Sow lightly, broadcast or in rows, on clean, finely raked soil. Press lightly and keep moist. Thin to 30 cm in all directions. Pinch off the tip of the plant when it reaches 10 cm in height to encourage branching. Stagger sowing to enjoy its ephemeral flowering for longer.
April, May, June
June, July, August
in the ground, in pot
sunny, semi-shade
clayey, limestone, humus
drained, sec, light
Vaccaria hispanica
2 grams
From 30 to 60 cm