Dioica 88 - Cannabi
This dioecious hemp variety can grow to over 3 m in height and offers high biomass and straw yields. It is also suitable for flower and seed production, and generally contains less than 6% CBD.
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Sow in a nursery at a temperature of between 16 and 25°C, under a well-lit shelter, 5 weeks before planting. Transplant into the ground, after the last frosts, at a minimum distance of 50 cm, burying the stem up to the first leaves. Water abundantly at planting time. Sowing in warm soil is totally feasible, given Cannabis' hardiness...
March, April
April, May, June, July
July, August, September, October
in the ground, in the greenhouse
rich, drained
Cannabis sativa
50 seeds
From 300 to 350 cm