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Herbal teas - Infusion - Les Grands Chemins AB
Herbal teas - Infusion - Les Grands Chemins AB
Herbal teas - Infusion - Les Grands Chemins AB Herbal teas - Infusion - Les Grands Chemins AB
Herbal teas

Infusion - Les Grands Chemins AB

Ref : SI0002

A delicious infusion of 5 organic plants, designed to support physical activity. These plants have been cultivated and hand-picked in the hills of Séronaise and the mountains of the Ariege Pyrenees. Packaged in infusettes, it's ideal for infusing in the thermos or for carrying in the rucksack for evening tea after a hike to the summits.

The plants in this blend are all beneficial during exercise or recovery:

  • Nettle, a veritable panacea with multiple benefits: remineralizing, reconstituting, etc., is particularly indicated in cases of general fatigue.
  • Ash, with its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-arthritic properties, is used to relieve painful joints.
  • Meadowsweet, with its anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory properties, is ideal for rheumatism, swollen joints and synovial effusion.
  • Mint bergamot and Mint pouillot have tonic and stimulating properties.

Box of 15 infusettes.

To reap the full benefits of these plants, infuse for 8 minutes at 90°C.

Composition of "Les Grands Chemins" infusion

  • Ash - Fraxinus excelsior
  • Meadowsweet - Filipendula ulmaria
  • Nettle - Urtica dioica
  • Bergamot mint - Mentha citrata
  • Common mint - Mentha pulegium

All plants are hand-picked, processed and packaged on the farm. They are 100% cultivated or hand-picked in the hills and mountains of Ariège. Everything is certified organic and has been awarded the Valeurs Parc Naturel Régional label by the Parc des Pyrénées ariégeoises.

La ferme des 8 montagnes

Julien Aït El Mekki is passionate about nature and the Ariège mountains. He worked as a naturalist for 10 years, including 7 at the Parc naturel régional des Pyrénées ariégeoises.

"Farming gradually appeared to me as an essential profession, more closely linked than mine to the elements and the land. One day, a seed was sown by a farmer friend: "Knowing plants, why don't you become a farmer-herbalist too?".

Me, a farmer? It seemed utopian, but at the same time very much in line with my aspirations. The seed germinated, and it must be said that the soil was very favorable! So, in early 2022, I created the Ferme des 8 montagnes. I grow organic produce in the Séronais region and gather beautiful and tasty plants in the hills and mountains of the Ariege Pyrenees, to offer as infusions and herbs. It's a first step, because I've got lots of ideas in mind!"

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Open-Pollinated and Heirloom Seeds
Open-Pollinated and Heirloom Seeds
100% Certified Organic
100% Certified Organic
Delivery Guarantees:  From December 20 to 23 before 10 a.m. -> via Chronopost for delivery before December 24 / Subject to carrier disruptions.