L'autre pharmacie - Guide to family herbalism
Forewords by Laurence Pouillet and Dr Michel Lallement
Do you and your loved ones live in a stressful, polluted environment? Are you worried about a fragile parent? Taking care of a hypersensitive child? Do you suffer from coughing or anxiety? Perhaps you simply want to listen to and strengthen your body, and relearn how to use the plants that grew in your grandmother's garden? We all have good reason to turn to herbal care and to learn more about herbalism.
This precious heritage, this knowledge built up over thousands of years on every continent, has long been marginalized by modern medicine. Today, natural medicines are beginning to be recognized, studied and taught. This book is part of that emancipation, encouraging us to rediscover direct contact with plants and develop our autonomy from the pharmaceutical industry.
It includes
- 50 technical fact sheets on plants, primarily non-endangered and indigenous to North America and Europe;
- advice on how to prevent and alleviate over 40 simple and common pathologies, from childhood illnesses to rheumatism, premenstrual syndrome, nausea and eczema;
- explanations of how to select, harvest, prepare and use these plants (floral oils, decoctions, etc.);
- warnings on side effects and contraindications;
- sections devoted to essential oils and supplements commonly used in naturopathy.
- This book provides a wealth of advice on prevention and care, in simple, precise language. It includes everything you need to know to make up your own family pharmacy at home. The author shares her professional knowledge with rigor and wisdom, and also gives us the benefit of her unique perspective, based on experience on several continents, which combines anthropology, field work, theoretical studies and patient care. This background gives her work exceptional depth and is helping to restore herbal medicine to its former glory.
Helga Ell-Beiser - Édition Terre Vivante - 264 pages