Organic chilli trio 3 plants
Turn your garden into a sweet oasis with this trio of irresistible summer fruits, including the Cantaloup Charentais and Jaune des Canaries melon varieties, as well as the Sugar Baby watermelon variety. Easily grow these juicy, fragrant and refreshing fruits, perfect for hot summer days, and enjoy these delicacies in the garden or kitchen!
- Sugar Baby watermelon
Sugar Baby is an early and productive variety, with several round fruits weighing 3 to 4 kg. Their thick, green, almost black skin encloses firm, orange-red flesh with an excellent sweet taste.
- Charentais Cantaloupe melon
The Cantaloup Charentais, an old French variety, produces round, smooth, pale-green fruits. Their delicious, orange, juicy flesh offers a much-appreciated sweet flavor.
- Canary Yellow Melon
The Canary Yellow is an ancient variety from Spain. It produces large, elongated fruits weighing up to 2 kg with a bright yellow skin. Their white flesh is particularly juicy, with a very sweet taste.
When to plant watermelons and melons?
As soon as frosts are no longer a threat and the soil has warmed up sufficiently, generally from April to May depending on the region, plant watermelon and melon plants in the vegetable garden at least 80 cm apart in all directions.
However, the root system of melons and watermelons develops very quickly, and plants can quickly become cramped in their pots. If the cooler weather doesn't allow them to be planted in the ground, transplant them into a larger pot or bucket:
- Place a mixture of universal potting soil and garden soil in a larger pot, a third of the way up;
- remove the seedlings from the pot;
- place them at the bottom of the pot;
- fill to within 1 cm of the pot's rim with the potting mix;
- pack lightly;
- water.
How to plant watermelons and melons?
To plant watermelons and melons properly in the vegetable garden:
- dig holes about 20 cm wide and deep, at least 80 cm apart in all directions;
- place a good handful of well-decomposed compost at the bottom;
- unstack the plants;
- Place them upright in each hole;
- close up and pack lightly around the plants;
- water moderately with temperate water;
- protect the plants with cloches or tunnels until June.
- mulch.
When to pick watermelons and melons?
Melons and watermelons are generally harvested from June to September, depending on the variety.
Melons are harvested when the skin cracks under light thumb pressure applied to the blossom scar (opposite side to the stalk) and a good fragrance is released. Watermelons are harvested when they are fully ripe: the skin becomes shiny, the fruit sounds hollow and the tendril and leaf near the watermelon are completely dried out.
What to plant next to watermelons and melons?
While combining crops in the vegetable garden can improve yields, repel certain pests and diseases, or optimize available space, it should not become a constraint or an obstacle, and should be thought through before planting, according to your expected objectives.
Melons and watermelons enjoy being grown in association with :
- corn ;
- beans ;
- peas ;
- radish ;
- sunflower ;
- etc.
All aromatic plants such as basil, chives, wormwood, etc. repel certain insect pests thanks to their powerful fragrance.
All melliferous plants such as borage, phacelia, marigold, etc. are also good companions for melons and watermelons. They attract a host of pollinating insects essential for good pollination of the flowers and preventing the developing fruit from turning brown and aborting.
Shipment and delivery of fruit assortment
- Orders are dispatched Monday to Thursday.
- Shipment to mainland France only.
- Shipping cartons designed for optimum plant protection.
- Free shipping does not apply to plants.