Permaculture soil
Permaculture's appeal lies in its holistic approach.
However, in many books on permaculture, the soil is hardly mentioned at all. Advice on fertilization is often very limited, if not inappropriate. The risks of wastewater pollution from over-application of animal manure, or inadequate recommendations for mound cultivation in certain situations, are commonplace.
An increasing number of books are devoted to the practical experience of permaculture, but none of them has ever looked at permaculture from the angle of the soil and its fertility.
Yet it lies at the heart of the movement's ethical and conceptual principles.
Le sol en permaculture" addresses these issues. It offers an instruction manual on fertility in permaculture. Blaise Leclerc describes the techniques involved, as well as the potential pitfalls of a too-rapid analysis of permaculture principles.
The first part of the book introduces the question of soil fertility in permaculture, showing that it is the keystone of a permaculture project as a whole. The principles of permaculture are revisited starting from the soil.
The second part describes step-by-step how to maintain and improve your soil using permaculture. It emphasizes the complementarity of techniques: mulching, fertilizers, green manures, tillage and rotation.
Blaise Leclerc - Éditions Terre Vivante - 120 pages