Petit traité du jardin punk - Learning to unlearn
"If you keep looking for nature, you'll find it!
A radical and provocative concept, the punk garden is an invitation to practice gardening differently, beyond convention, with instinct and intuition. It is necessary because it responds to the current problems of applied ecology, bringing biodiversity to every plot of our daily lives and beautifying our environment, whatever our knowledge, financial means, etc.
Designed to help new gardeners avoid having their desire to garden curtailed by ignorance or preconceived ideas (whether held by themselves or others), the aim of this book is to help everyone appreciate the extent to which it is possible to create a beautiful and ecological space, whatever the circumstances. This libertarian manifesto is designed to be accessible to as many people as possible, and reveals the tips and tricks needed to "punk" a garden.
Adopt the punk culture to create a cheeky garden and learn how to manage it while remaining lazy, rebellious, broke and eco-friendly! Discover the magic of instant regeneration, the simplicity of cuttings and how to break all those rules.
This book won the Prix Saint-Fiacre 2019, awarded annually by the Association des Journalistes du Jardin et de l'Horticulture (AJJH).
Eric Lenoir - Terre vivante - 96 pages