Putting an end to pesticides
Almost everyone agrees: "Pesticides must be banned! But how do we go about it? Wasn't it announced in 2008 that the quantities of pesticides used would be halved in ten years? A pious hope!
This book explains how we got to where we are today, and what the consequences are. But, above all, it details the very concrete solutions that could help us get out of it, and which are implemented in organic and biodynamic farming: restoring biodiversity, re-establishing the mineral balance and improving the biological activity of soils, reducing the size of plots, combining crops, favoring resistant varieties, attracting the innumerable auxiliaries that are effective against diseases and pests. It also shows that with integrated production, we can, if not eliminate, at least greatly reduce the use of pesticides. Finally, it includes testimonials from farmers who have successfully taken the plunge, as well as advice for amateur gardeners, whether in the vegetable garden, orchard or ornamental garden.
Claude Aubert and François Veillerette - Éditions Terre Vivante - 160 pages