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and Heirloom Seeds
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Seeds boxes - Seed box - Je crée un potager urbain The Frenchie Gardener
Seeds boxes - Seed box - Je crée un potager urbain The Frenchie Gardener
Seeds boxes - Seed box - Je crée un potager urbain The Frenchie Gardener
Seeds boxes - Seed box - Je crée un potager urbain The Frenchie Gardener Seeds boxes - Seed box - Je crée un potager urbain The Frenchie Gardener Seeds boxes - Seed box - Je crée un potager urbain The Frenchie Gardener
Seeds boxes

Seed box - Je crée un potager urbain The Frenchie Gardener

Ref : KK1137

In this assortment of seeds, you'll find a range of varieties tested and selected by The Frenchie Gardener. Grow these vegetables in pots, tubs or window boxes, and enjoy delicious harvests even in urban areas.

It contains :

  • a selection of 6 organic, reproducible seed packets;
  • 10 seed storage sachets;
  • 1 gardener's crop monitoring booklet;
  • 6 wooden sowing picks, made in the Jura region;
  • 4 seasonal spacers.

What's in the Seed Set - I'm creating an urban vegetable garden?

Seed storage bags provide the ideal container for storing harvested seeds. Placed in a dry place, protected from temperature variations, the seeds can be resown the following year.

The Gardener's Crop Tracking Booklet is the perfect way to record, in a guided way, a season in the vegetable garden. Sowing calendar, garden plan and drawing, list of crops month by month - creativity and free expression are also welcome!

Wooden seedling picks, made by a family business in the Jura region, will help you identify each crop from sowing to harvesting!

4 dividers to organize your seed packets by season.

Who is The Frenchie Gardener?

Patrick Vernuccio "The Frenchie Gardener" on Instagram, has always lived in the city. 4 years ago, he embarked on his gardening adventure. He discovered the magic of planting a seed and was amazed to see it grow. He soon realized that it was possible to grow his own food on his balcony. Since then, he's been experimenting, testing new species and seeds. Today, he cultivates some thirty different varieties from his 5th-floor balcony, with abundant harvests. Thanks to his urban vegetable garden, he eats healthier, respects the cycle of the seasons and picks his vegetables directly from his balcony.

vegetables directly from his balcony. He promotes biodiversity through the number of species he grows. He supports peasant agriculture by buying his seeds from Kokopelli.

Varieties selected by The Frenchie Gardener

Extremely rich in vitamin C, this variety produces an abundance of small fruits with firm, sweet flesh that keeps very well. Its name is inspired by its high content of the amino acid gamma-amino-butyric acid, known for its soothing effect.

Even at low temperatures, this ancient variety produces an abundance of irregularly-shaped red fruits weighing around 250 g. Their firm flesh is extremely flavorful. Their firm flesh is highly appreciated for its flavor.

A must in the vegetable garden, the Flamboyant radish is an old-fashioned variety with delicious half-long roots, bicolored red with a white tip, and tender, crunchy flesh. This very early radish will produce its first harvest around 18 days after sowing - and then almost all year round, provided you stagger sowing.

This very old variety, slow to bolt, produces deeply cut, light-green leaves. They have a tender texture and mild flavor.

This ancient variety offers an abundance of elongated fruits, best eaten before they reach over 15 cm in length. Their dark green skin encloses sweet flesh.

This old-fashioned, early variety, suitable for pot cultivation, produces very slender fruits 25 to 40 cm long. Their deep purple skin encloses soft-textured, mild-tasting flesh.

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Open-Pollinated and Heirloom Seeds
Open-Pollinated and Heirloom Seeds
100% Certified Organic
100% Certified Organic