Starting an organic vegetable garden
If you're a budding gardener, the key to creating an organic vegetable garden is to have the right guidance.
The first step is to prepare the soil. You need to learn how to weed it and enrich it naturally, without polluting it.
Second step: select your varieties. You'll need to choose which of the twenty or so essential vegetables best suit your garden, your desires and your skills.
Step three: plant the crops. It's time to sow, plant, maintain and protect your new vegetable garden.
Jean-Paul Thorez and Sandra Lefrançois explain all these gardening techniques step by step in their book Je démarre mon potager bio.
Buttering potatoes, pinching tomato gourmands, dressing leek plants or preparing lamb's lettuce seedlings... these gardening gestures will no longer hold any secrets for the apprentice gardener.
Jean-Paul Thorez - Sandra Lefrançois - Éditions Terre Vivante - 119 pages