Sunrise - Lupin
This annual lupine, renowned for its long flowering season, offers generous foliage topped with beautiful flower spikes whose colors change over time. They change from blue, white and yellow to violet, orange and copper.
Sow in pots, 5 mm deep, in stacks of 2 to 3 seeds. Place the seedlings under a light shelter and keep them moist until emergence. Thin out to keep only the strongest plant from each cup before transplanting into the ground, 30 cm apart in all directions, when the soil has warmed up. You can also sow directly into the ground, after any risk of frost. Water regularly for the first few weeks, then only in the event of hot weather or prolonged drought. Remove wilted flowers to encourage the appearance of new ones.
March, April, May
April, May, June
July, August, September
in the ground, in pot
all floor types
drained, rich, light
Lupinus cruickshankii
30 seeds
White, Blue, Yellow, Violet, Orange
From 120 to 150 cm