Vietnamese coriander 2 organic plants
Discover Vietnamese coriander, Persicaria odorata, a perpetual coriander with an exotic flavor. This unique perennial, about 50 cm high and spreading, has an abundance of leaves characterized by a dark "U"-shaped spot, and fresh flavors of coriander and lemongrass with intense, peppery notes.
How to grow Vietnamese coriander?
Vietnamese coriander likes cool, humus-rich soil, and a warm, half-shaded position. It is planted in spring, from April to May, in the open ground at 30 to 40 cm in all directions, after the last frosts, in regions with very mild climates, or in large pots in regions where winter temperatures drop below -10°C.
Water regularly to keep the soil cool and moist.
Prune foliage to encourage the development of new shoots.
Re-pot pot-grown Vietnamese coriander plants frequently.
Multiply Vietnamese cilantro by cuttings to rejuvenate plants.
How do I harvest Vietnamese coriander?
Vietnamese cilantro can be harvested, in the garden or in pots, as and when required. Cut the stems as close as possible to the base, using a chisel, making sure to leave at least two-thirds of the plant.
Uses of Vietnamese coriander
Vietnamese coriander is a very popular plant in traditional Asian cuisine. Its fresh leaves are used to flavor a wide range of dishes, including soups, egg rolls, noodles, sautéed meat dishes and fish.