Green Hubbard - Maxima squash
This ancient variety offers a large number of spindle-shaped fruits up to 25 cm long and weighing up to 10 kg. Their bronze-green skin encloses thick, dry, sweet-tasting orange flesh. The fruit can be stored for almost 1 year.
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in bucket, in the ground
Sow in pots at a temperature of between 18 and 20°C, 2 to 3 weeks before planting. Transplant, with the root ball, into the ground, after the last frosts, at a distance of at least 2 m in all directions. For sowing directly into the ground, sow after the last frosts, once the soil has warmed up. In both cases, prepare holes filled with compost or organic matter two weeks in advance to accommodate your plants or seeds.
March, April, May
April, May, June
July, August, September, October, November
in the ground
rich, heavy, furniture
Cucurbita maxima
From 6000 to 10000 g
12 seeds
Bronze green
From 150 to 400 cm
From 20 to 25 cm
United States
"Vilmorin-Andrieux "Les Plantes Potagères
According to the Gregory family, this ancient variety was introduced from Boston to Marblehead around 1798. Apparently originating in the Caribbean or South America, it was introduced around 1845 by James Gregory of Marblehead, Massachusetts. It is mentioned in Vilmorin-Andrieux's "Les Plantes Potagères" of 1883.
James Gregory