Summer Savory
This species produces small, elongated, rounded green leaves, offering a less spicy, aromatic flavor than perennial savory. Its scent repels aphids and mosquitoes.
in bucket, in bunches
Sow in nursery. Cover seeds lightly, keeping soil moist until emergence. Transplant every 25 cm in rows 50 cm apart, or sow directly in the ground. Thin out every 25 cm in rows 50 cm apart.
March, April, May
June, July, August, September, October
in the ground, in pot
full sun
all floor types
drained, light, reheated
Satureja hortensis
200 seeds
From 20 to 40 cm
Southern Europe
"Vilmorin-Andrieux "Les Plantes Potagères
This ancient variety originated in southern Europe. It is mentioned as early as 1883 in Vilmorin-Andrieux's "Les Plantes Potagères".
Savory is renowned for its stimulating, antispasmodic, antiseptic, fortifying and digestive properties.